*** Short (from 3 h return) with beautiful views of lake Gunn, Marian,
Fergus and Mac Kerrow from a little further the end of track. Interesting
"guided" nature walk and flora. |

Lake McKellar

Humbolt mountains
Pleasant site for a day walk or on the the way to
Greenstone Valley.
LAKE MARIAN:**** A very
short (3 h return) climb in a pleasant forest. To a beautiful lake set in
a steep cirque. |

Sometimes the water level allows easy access to the lake head and its
spectacular Steep valley. |

Probably the most spectacular short day trip (5 h return) in Fjordland.
Starting at the already high altitude of the Homer tunnel the track starts
in an alpine environment which is usually reached after a couple of days
walking. Everything is there: flora, ice, snow, lakes, and the view
towards Milford sound at the saddle. From Barrier peak, an additional 400m
to climb partly in snow, extensive views of the Darran's, Mt. Aspiring and
Adelaide lake below.

Black Lake

Milford Sound from Gertrude Saddle
and steep, 3 h return. Not as spectacular views as on Gertrud, the neighbor, but wilder and more impressive. Both ends of the tunnel visible
from there, before this pass was with sea access, the only precipitous link with
Milford sound. Leading further up, the Talbot ladder involves some
intimidating arête climbing. Resident rock wrens. Good flora.
National Park |